Thursday, May 25, 2006

John A. Speaking In Jonesboro, Texas

Welcome to week 5! I have to say thank you to all of those who have been subscribing out there becuase this project is making me listen to a lot of recovery material that I may not have if I hadn't had any listeners out there. So I hope that this podcast is helping your recovery process as much as it is helping mine. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them on the blog or email me at This week John A. speaks on his experience of discovering that he himself is an alcoholic, his journey into AA and his journey within AA which lead him to find that God cares about his life. His story illuminates different parts of our own journey through recovery and helps to show us where we still need to grow in our recovery process.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Steps 2 and 3 - Glasshouse (2002) - John A.

Welcome to week 4! This week we have John A speaking about his expiereince of finding his higher power, and what it took to get him there. He has a great story that I think all of us can relate to in holding back from God because there are just things we think we can do on our own. So I hope that his words help you in your sobriety as much as he helped me. Also, there are a couple of other podcasts I wanted to mention, Sobercasting which I found out is a podcast much like mine (you can find them on iTunes by typing in sobercasting or by clicking on the link on my homepage which I haven't listened to yet but I reconized a few of the names on there and they were people who I had found helpful to my sobriety previously. Also, for any of you who attened Al-Anon, or if your significant other struggles with a different addiciton, or if you are just interested, check out Al-Anon Sis (also on iTunes and listed on my website) who has a great podcast going. Last, and as always, this mp3 came from so if you want more mp3's to listen to (i.e. if a once a week release isn't enough :) check out their website.

My Odeo Channel (odeo/a1a14f95ddd5b209)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Carry This Message - Step 1 (2003) - Chris R.

Thanks to all you out there who have subscribed or let someone else know about the podcast! I can watch the number of subscribers grow each week and that's so encouraging. I hope that God is bringing you sobreity (or better sobriety) and serenity through these words of other people. Also thanks too for the comments left on both my blog and on the podcast. This week, we have Chris R. talking abotu Step 1, about staying sober and how we can tell if we are truly an alcoholic (or some other kind of addict). Also, I forgot to mention again last week that if you enjoy the audio you find here, I have gotten all of this audio from so if you get a chance, check them out and if you can help support their website please do! Last, as with every week if you have quesitons or comments or even suggestions, feel free to email me at

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Introduction To Steps 1, 2 and 3 - Bob B. and Linda B.

Weclome to the second week of the 12 Step Podcast! Already I've been getting a few subscribers which has been great and I'm really glad to see that people are interested in this because I hope that this will be a blessing to everyone out there wherever they find themselves on their journey. Also, if you would like to contact me you can do that by emailing me at and I'd love to hear suggestions for the podcast or even audio files that you would like to hear on the podcast. This weeks mp3 is acctually in two parts. This first part is a husband and wife team (he went to AA, she went to Al-Anon) talking through their expiereince with the first three steps. They speak not only about the steps but about the unmanigability they found in their own life and in their addictions.

Introduction To Steps 1, 2 and 3 - Question and Answer - Bob B. and Linda B.

In this second of two mp3's for this week we have the second part of a husband and wife team (he went to AA, she went to Al-Anon) talking through their expiereince with the first three steps and answering some questions about their experience. They speak not only about the steps but about the unmanigability they found in their own life and in their addictions.